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I've used the app Moody Month for a while and found it quite helpful. It's a mood + menstrual cycle tracker. You can log whatever sign or symptom you like and will also be given daily information about your hormones and how they might be affecting your mood and energy level plus recommendations on nutrition and movement.

As for doing all the little lifestyle changes that are oh so good for you but so hard to implement I highly recommend the app Habitica (or possibly any other app that will help you build habits). I've only been using it for a few weeks but it's a major difference. I get shit done that I failed to do for years on end.

I always pause when someone casually mentions Kundalini yoga. I have practiced it myself, and some poses I learned I still use to this day. And also, there's evidence that suggests this community is more than a little bit culty. I recommend reading this article by Stacie Stukin in the Los Angeles Magazine for a great overview of the issues: https://lamag.com/featured/yogi-bhajan And also this harrowing podcast episode by Satpavan Kaur Khalsa who grew up in the community: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/the-chaos-contradiction-of-3ho-w-satpavan-kaur-khalsa-pt-1/id1373939526?i=1000559575960

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